It has been one crazy week.
All the craziness, (unsurprisingly), seems to somehow link back to the gameboy, so I think that’s the easiest place for me to start explaining things.
About a week ago, I went to look for something in the cornfields. This something I assumed was most likely a metal sphere with some particularly unusual markings carved all over it.
The cornfields start almost directly outside of the back of my house, and they go on for miles. What’s weird is the fact that practically nobody really uses them for anything, at least, not that I know of. Whenever I visit, they always seem completely empty.
That’s partly why I’ve love going there to exercise, or just get a clear head.
Anyway, I wasn’t sure how long my journey was going to take. It was sunny and unusually hot, so I took a very large bottle of water and some snacks with me, as well as a general map of the area in case I got lost (Which is what happened to me last time,) I also took my phone, the gameboy, a torch, and some other random equipment I hoped I wouldn’t actually have to find any use for.
Going into the cornfields, I partly counting on the gameboy help me reach my destination.
I wasn’t disappointed.
As I entered the cornfields, the gameboy switched on – once again, without me as much as touching it. On the screen, a giant symbol appeared.
From what I knew, it was one of the closest symbols to the far side of the cornfields; near my house.
I realised I could move my avatar around – who was currently right next to the symbol, but as far as I could tell, there wasn’t much else to see.
I started exploring a little. (On the gameboy.) The whole area was an unbroken, dull stretch of grey, but after some checking and hunting around, I eventually came across the second symbol.
This seemed as good a place to start as any, so I began walking through the cornfields in that direction.
I reached the area in around twenty minutes. When I came close enough to see some of the clearing where parts of the symbol had been drawn in the earth, I explored the surrounding field of grey with my avatar, like I had before.
A few minutes later, I came across another familiar looking symbol.
It didn’t take long for me to figure out what I was supposed to do. The next symbol was only a five minute walk away – basically the closest symbol to the one I had started beside.
The gameboy was guiding me by giving me a path to follow, and using the symbols as markers.
Although I didn’t have to worry about the kinds of obstacles which caused problems for me the first time this gameboy guided me somewhere, that didn’t mean my search wasn’t difficult in it’s own way. I had to walk for hours, and I lost count of how many times I was forced to stop and search the ‘map’ on the gameboy. I had brought water, a very large bottle of water, but despite that, I ran out long before I finally made it to the place this gameboy wanted me to discover.
Honestly, I had absolutely no idea the whole way how long it would keep me walking for.
I was actually becoming concerned about the time I would make it back. My parents were not going to be happy if I was late.
But despite all this, I kept going, doing my best to ignore the growing thirst and general discomfort that came with walking in the heat for five hours.
I’ve become pretty much obsessed with getting to the bottom of this.
The destination the gameboy had been leading me to looked fairly disappointing from the outside. It appeared as nothing more than a completely rundown, old shack; something I might have guessed had once been a farmhouse, if there really were ever any farms around here. I was pretty sure, at least, once I reached it, that my journey had to be finally over. It was visible on my gameboy, too, only on my gameboy, it looked a little more like the outside of some kind of spaceship than it did an old shed.
The door was locked, but thinking back to my previous experiences, I decided to see if the gameboy could be of any help finding a key.
There was, I noticed, a very brightly lit area to the left side of the house – or whatever the thing I had arrived at was supposed to represent on the screen.  
I walked over, and found a pile of logs and a few old belongings.
The key was lying beneath a stone brick, half hidden under some clothes.
I entered the cottage struggling to control my excitement and expectation. The first room was empty, so I went immediately to a small door on one side, and pulled it open, and inside…
Inside I found a pedestal, and on it, another one of the spherical objects I had come across the first time, inside the tunnels.
I approached it slowly, carefully. Remembering what happened with my first encounter, I wasn’t sure whether it was such a great idea to touch it again.
But I also had to consider that if I didn’t, I would probably never learn what the gameboy was supposed to show me.
So eventually, I steeled myself, stepped forward, and placed my had on the cold, metal surface, squeezing my eyes shut as tight as I could, preparing myself for another light show like I had experienced last time.
I felt the metal sphere start to warm underneath my fingers.
I noticed the light even with my eyes shut, but this time, I felt something, too, an electric tingle that started to move through my fingers, then up my whole arm.
It didn’t feel bad, exactly. It felt different, almost thrilling. In a few seconds the feeling had spread through my entire body and I had this overwhelming sense of – I’m not sure how else to describe it – power. The last second before the light finally went out, I felt sort of like I was a different person from another world, someone totally unfamiliar and almost frighteningly alien to me.
And then it ended. As the light died out and I opened my eyes, I felt a strange sense of disappointment, and emptiness where all those emotions had been a few moments before.
I took a peek at the metal sphere again, which like the last one, was now emitting a faint glow from all the markings and symbols carved into its surface.
Also like last time, touching it again didn’t do anything. It was stuck fast onto the pedestal, and nothing I did could move it.
I did, however, get a new message from the pixellated alien on my gameboy. It read:

Lose yourself and release the memories of a forgotten world.

It’s not the first time I’ve had absolutely no idea what these messages are supposed to mean. But by then I had learned it was always worth considering them.
After that, the alien disappeared again and I was taken back to one of the ‘normal’ levels.
To my disappointment, the rest of the room was empty, except for a few random things and pieces of junk that looked like they had been left there by the previous owner. I was kind of hoping to find something Dyson might have kept here for me. I still hadn’t figured out where he hid his other diaries.
But, as it turned out, there was not one sign that dyson had ever been here at all. I was also starting to notice it was getting pretty close to evening.
I still had to walk all the way back home, and at this point I knew my parents were probably already preparing their ‘I’m disappointed in how irresponsible you’ve been, amber,’ speech.
I practically ran most of the way back after that, but I still only made it by around eleven thirty at night. To be honest, I was a little surprised it was so early, considering how long it took me to get there.
Of course, my parents were mad. Again. There wasn’t much I could do about it, but to make things even more complicated, they had, apparently, seen me coming back from the cornfields, and they wanted to know what I was doing out there.
I certainly wasn’t ready to tell them the truth. I tried claiming I just got lost coming home from somewhere in town.
They didn’t buy it.
So, anyway, I got into trouble. Again. But actually, to be honest, a few days of being forced to do extra chores in’t such a big thing for me, compared with the punishments they come up with sometimes.
The thing is, that isn’t exactly the end of the story.
Ever since I visited the… Whatever it was, some really weird things have been happening. More weird than usual, anyway.
It’s been just over a week since I went into the cornfields. The first thing I noticed, the day right after, were the birds.
A lot of birds.
Now it isn’t usual to see birds flying around our house a bit, but these birds were literally pecking at the windows and squawking at me. I went outside a few times and found something like forty of them perched on top of my roof. Some of them started to dive-bomb the widow in my room and swerved away at the last minute, barely avoiding hitting it.
I wish I could say the weird things ended with the birds. But they didn’t.
I’ve been seeing some strange things whenever I’m around the house. Like these will-o-the-wisp lights which started appearing just outside my backyard. I took a video of them, but they kind of faded away as I tried to get closer.
And that’s not it. There’s more – such as our electricity switching off for no reason. And things moving around by themselves. And..
The list goes on.
One of the worst examples of these unusual occurrences was yesterday. I was in my room, studying, and pretty much tuning out everything around me.
From just outside my window, something suddenly caught my attention.
Outside it was very windy, like, really windy. Leaves and a few large branches were being tossed around, and some of the smaller trees looked a little too worryingly close to being uprooted by the force.  
I took a few moments to stare at the scene, contemplating the unusual weather conditions that had always affected my town.
That’s when I saw it. Something moving slowly through the trees.
Only I couldn’t actually see anything. I noticed it because there was a small cloud of debris and leaves flying around, but none of it seemed to come into any contact with the – well, whatever it was. The air around its shape was also distorted so much I could actually see the clear outline of something tall coming toward me, only, there was nothing visible inside the distorted air.
I don’t know why, but looking at it made my skin crawl and an almost overwhelming sense of dread began to grow inside me. Without even thinking, I pulled the curtains closed and backed away from my window.
Just as my hands fell from the curtains, I heard something.
I don’t know if it’s possible for me to exactly describe this sound. It was sort of like the noise whales make, but comparison can only go so far because this was otherworldly. Every instinct I had told me it didn’t belong here.
It wasn’t a nice sound, ether. Far from it, the noise filled me with a kind of numbing fear I wasn’t sure I had ever felt before.
When I looked down, I realised my hands were shaking.
It was a while before I calmed down enough to peek out the window again. The wind had died down noticeably, and whatever it was had gone.
For the next half an hour, I remained curled up in my room, still half terrified whatever I saw was coming after me. I felt like I wanted to puke, and the noise kept ringing in my ears. It was almost like I could still hear it.
Thankfully, I haven’t seen any more of that thing again since.
I still can’t get the memory of the horrible sound it made out of my head.
I have no explanation for what’s going on, but I’m certain it has to be linked to the metal orbs and the gameboy somehow. It has to be, right?  
The question I have is; do I keep going if the gameboy presents me with another one of it’s weird puzzles? Do I really want to get any deeper into this mess?
Maybe it would be better just to walk away. It’s not like I don’t have enough problems in my life without having to deal with whatever the hell is happening.

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